
Institute of Advanced Management-IAM - IAM INST HOTEL MGMT-OT

Recommendation: Upheld | Medium: Suo Motu - NAMS (TAMS)

In the absence of a written response along with documents for substantiation on or before the prescribed due date, the ASCI Secretariat considered this complaint exparte. Claims, "Award winning institute in hospitality education over last 10 years”, and “Excellence in Industry Academia Interface 2023 – Education Excellence 2023”, were not substantiated with copy of the awards certificates, details of the process for awards selection, criteria for granting the awards, survey methodology, parameters considered, questionnaires used, names of other similar institutes that were part of the survey, the outcome of the survey, and the details of the awarding body. For the claim, “Award winning institute in hospitality education over last 10 years”, the name of the organisation that has provided the award, and the month and year in which the award was pronounced was not indicated in the advertisement. For the claim, “Excellence in Industry Academia Interface 2023 – Education Excellence 2023”, the name of the organisation that has provided the award, and the month in which the award was given was not mentioned. The claims are misleading by exaggeration. This advertisement is in contravention of Chapter I, Clause 1.1, 1.2, and 1.4 of the ASCI Code, and ASCI Guidelines for Usage of Awards/ Rankings in Advertisements. This complaint was UPHELD by Secretariat