
Our Proactive Monitoring

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We proactively monitor ads across different sectors and media.

On a mission to take action against all advertisements that are not decent, honest or fair. ASCI does not just wait to receive complaints.

Our National Advertising Monitoring Services (NAMS), launched in 2012, keeps a close watch on ads published in national and regional newspapers, TV channels and also digital media.

By proactively monitoring advertisements, ASCI is able to

  1. Take up advertisements in potential violation of the ACSI code soon after they are published
  2. Create a level playing field for honest advertisers, by spreading its net far and wide to the remotest corners to discover issues of consumer harm caused by advertising.

ASCI’s suo motu monitoring is increasingly making use of advanced technology particularly in the monitoring of digital and social media, deploying artificial intelligence to sweep certain categories and platforms periodically.