
Hindustan Unilever Limited - Kissan Peanut Butter Creamy

Recommendation: Not Upheld | Medium: General Public

The ASCI had approached the advertiser (yourself) for its response in addressing the grievances of the complainant and forwarded the details of the complaint verbatim to the advertiser with a request to respond to the same. The advertiser was offered an opportunity to seek an Informal Resolution (IR) of the complaint and a telecon with the ASCI Secretariat to seek further guidance, which they did not avail but submitted their written response. Advertiser stated that “Made with” is essentially to confirm the content of the product and to reassure the consumer that only real peanuts are used in the product and there are no faux nuts or other substitutes used therein. It is essential and genuine information to provide as a responsible company to the prospective consumer and especially when the product qualifies to use the phrase real for roasted peanuts in accordance with FSSAI claims regulations. The term ‘with’ does not denote that the product’s sole content is peanuts but rather only informs that the product contains/has peanuts. The ingredient listing clearly shows the various ingredients that are used in the product being: Roasted Peanuts (90%), sugar, edible vegetable fat and iodised salt which are necessary additives for making peanut butter and hence, there is no contradiction in the claim and ingredient declarations made in relation to the product or in any manner whatsoever. The term ‘with’ used in the claim means and should be interpreted as something that is in the product and does not mean that the whole of it is comprised in the product.” Advertiser provided a copy of the Key visual for `Kissan Peanut Butter’ that is used for print/outdoor advertisements. The Consumer Complaints Council (CCC) viewed the YouTube advertisements in Kannada (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5mkjQyNnoE), Tamil (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f-SbruznK4g), and Malayalam (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nti7zWriOFg), print advertisement, and product packaging, and considered the advertiser’s response. The CCC observed that the front of the pack claims, “With 100% Real* Peanuts” and the ingredients listed on the back of pack are `Roasted Peanuts* (90%), sugar, edible vegetable fat, iodised salt’. The CCC was of the view that it is clear that the said claim in the advertisement is only intended to communicate to consumers that Peanuts are the main and essential ingredients in Kissan Peanut Butter and does not in any manner indicate that the product is made only of Peanuts. The claim is connected to the ingredient list and the product makes a transparent declaration about both the presence and quantity of peanuts in the product. There is no contradiction in the claim and ingredient declarations made in relation to the product. The explanation given by advertiser with regard to (*) mark on the product packaging was acceptable to demonstrate the fact that all (100%) of the peanuts used in the product are “real”. Based on these observations, the CCC concluded that the voice over claim in the YouTube advertisements, “100% Real Peanuts,” pack shot claim, “With 100% Real* Peanuts” in the print advertisement, and the Product Packaging claim, “With 100% Real* Peanuts,” is not objectionable, and hence not in contravention of Chapter I of the ASCI Code. This complaint was NOT UPHELD.