
Ethos Limited - Jacob and co

Recommendation: Not Upheld | Medium: Suo Motu - NAMS (Reech)

The ASCI had approached the brand owner - advertiser (Ethos Limited - Jacob and Co) and the influencer (Gaurav Chaudhary) for their respective responses in addressing the objections raised in the complaint. They were also offered an opportunity for a telecon with the ASCI Secretariat which they did not avail, and the advertiser submitted their response. The advertiser stated that, “Ethos Limited did not hire Mr. Gaurav Chaudhary to advertise for Jacob & Co. The video posted by Gaurav Chaudhary was an activity done by him completely because of his interest and Ethos Limited has nothing to do with the same”. The advertiser further provided a signed copy of the declaration in support of the same. The Consumer Complaints Council (CCC) viewed the Instagram advertisement (https://www.instagram.com/p/DBycZFhv9-r/) considered the complaint, and the response from the advertiser. The CCC noted that there was no response from the influencer. The CCC observed that the advertisement shows an influencer promoting the advertiser’s watch brand. The CCC took note of the advertiser’s response that the Instagram post was created by the influencer without any involvement from the advertiser. The advertiser did not pay him for the same. As proof, the advertiser has submitted a signed declaration of having no material connection directly or indirectly with the influencer. Based on this evidence, the CCC concluded that the Instagram advertisement is not in contravention of ASCI Guidelines for Influencer Advertising in Digital Media. This complaint was NOT UPHELD.