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What Advertisement Related Issues ASCI Can Resolve?

Find out which types of advertising, media, and marketing materials are covered by our rules.

ASCI regulates the CONTENT of advertisements and promotions across media. ASCI resolves issues in advertisements that relate to

  1. Dishonest or misleading ads
  2. Indecent or offensive ads
  3. Harmful ads
  4. Ads that are unfair in competition.

ASCI can look at advertisements across all media types and formats such as TV, print, digital, outdoor, radio, point of sale, claims made on packaging and so on.

The following objections fall OUTSIDE of ASCI’s remit

  • Duration/frequency/volume of advertisements
  • Product or service deficiency cases
  • Fraud cases
  • Refund issues
  • Counterfeit products
  • Network quality issues
  • Political, non-commercial government advertising.
  • Violation of law [example: Emblems and Names (Prevention of Improper Use) Act, 1950; Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act]
  • Violation of code of medical ethics
  • Pop-ups
  • Spam emails
  • Unsolicited SMS
  • Sub-judice cases
  • Advertisements not meant for Indian audiences (cross-border complaints)
  • Pricing issues
  • Public notice, news articles and press releases
  • Sponsorships

If we receive a complaint that is not in our remit, we try to guide the complainant to the
correct regulatory authority or forum for a resolution to their complaints.