
Working with Others

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How do We work with a variety of organizations and individuals?

Our work involves making sure advertisements adhere to the Code laid down by ASCI. The ASCI Code is a constantly evolving set of rules and guidelines, in keeping with changes in the advertising landscape and society. This means we often have to deal with issues that are complex and where different stakeholders are involved.

We work and consult with a variety of organisations and individuals including advertisers, creative agencies, research companies, other industry bodies, consumer groups and voluntary consumer organisations, regulatory partners, media owners, online platforms, and independent domain experts.

  • Changes to the Code – Consultation with stakeholders on proposed changes or additions to the ASCI Code.
  • Compliance partnerships with the government/ media for objectionable ads to be removed
  • Education and training: Working with academia and industry partners to create educational content on self-regulation and the ASCI code
  • Dissemination of reports / information via webinars, mailers and industry platforms.
  • Thought leadership reports and studies on certain issues and topics include extensive discussions with different stakeholders to understand their points of view
  • Monitoring efforts that are supported by different sectors
  • Regular communication and important updates are shared with Members
  • ASCI works closely with different government ministries from time to time on the issue of objectionable ads. We have engaged with the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, the Ministry of Education, the Department of Economic Affairs, FSSAI, Ministry of Ayush amongst others on both projects as well as consultations on the issue of objectionable ads. ASCI data is also frequently quoted in the Parliament on questions and discussions pertaining to misleading ads and consumer protection. You will find a list of parliament questions and answers where ASCI is mentioned on this link https://www.ascionline.in/parliament-questions/
  • Recognitions – ASCI’s code, recommendations and processes are recognised by important government entities. This provides a legal backstop to our recommendations.
  1. Ministry of Information and Broadcasting released an advisory to television channels that ASCI Guidelines for Online Gaming to be followed in 2020.
  2. The ASCI Code is appended in the Cable Television Networks Rules, 1994, Programme and Advertising Codes, prescribed under the Cable Television Network (CTN) Rules, 1994 Rule: 7; The ASCI complaint mechanism is alsomentioned in the statutory grievance redressal procedure of the CTN Amendment Rules, 2021
  3. The Department of Consumer Affairs (DoCA) had partnered with ASCI to address all complaints pertaining to misleading advertisements received on the Grievances Against Misleading Advertisements (GAMA) portal.
  4. The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India, through an MoU, had partnered with ASCI to address misleading advertisements in the Food & Beverages sector, April 2016.
  5. The Ministry of AYUSH, through an MoU, had partnered with ASCI to co-regulate misleading advertisements in the AYUSH sector, January 2017.
  6. Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority Act mentions adherence by insurance companies to ASCI Codes. Ref. Item No.: 12, more recently (2019) IRDAI issued a master circular under Section 34 (1) of the Insurance Act, 1938.
  7. The Drug Controller General of India (DCGI) recognized Self-regulation in advertising through ASCI’s Code, 2006
  8. ASCI Code appended in the Maharashtra Directorate of Technical Education (DTE) Act. Ref. Item 13
  9. Transport Department, Government of NCT, Delhi recognised the ASCl Code. Ref. Clause 2.3
  10. The Supreme Court of India (SC), in its judgment dated, 12th January 2017, titled “Common Cause (A Regd. Society) vs. Union of India of India and ORS”, affirmed and recognised the self-regulatory mechanism put in place for advertising content by ASCI
  11. ASCI’s Code of Self-Regulation in Advertising is appended in the Press Council of India’s Norms of Journalistic Conduct 2010 Edition. (Ref. Page 60, Appendix II)
  12. The ASCI Code is appended in Indian Broadcasting Foundation’s Self-Regulatory Guidelines for non-news and current affairs programme. Ref. Page 19, Item No. 4
  1. ASCI was a member of the Steering Committee formed by the Central Government to look into violations of the Cigarettes and other Tobacco Products (Prohibition of Advertisement and Regulation of Trade and Commerce, Production, Supply, and Distribution) Act, 2003 (Ref. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Notification dated June 9th, 2010, G.S.R. 489 (E))
  2. ASCI has been a part of a committee constituted by NATIONAL HIGHWAYS AUTHORITY OF INDIA (NHAI) along with NCERT, SCERT to regulate the content of automobile advertisements.

ASCI is an important member of the International Council of Ad Self-Regulation (ICAS), since (May 2021), ASCI’s CEO currently serves as one of the four global vice-presidents on the executive committee of ICAS. Being a part of ICAS allows ASCI to access and contribute to the understanding of self-regulation challenges and solutions. Particularly in the digital age, where technology brings about and provides solutions for complex challenges, these conversations and partnerships are invaluable in strengthening self-regulation, and keeping abreast of the latest developments and trends.